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The OKAY Initiative to normalize talking about mental health is inspired by and based around the song OKAY. OKAY was written by a teen who lived through a mass shooting and is about how it’s okay to talk honestly about mental health.


The OKAY Initiative is live on Instagram. We invite artists to do covers of OKAY so that we have as many diverse voices as possible saying that it is #okaytotalk


We also filmed a music video for OKAY which is in post-production. Financial donations to help us complete the video are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated. Donations can be made here.


The music video is one teen’s journey of finding the confidence to connect and talk. Through the course of the song, our teen goes from isolation to partial engagement to finally finding the courage to say what she feels. While finding her voice does not magically solve everything, it is, as she sings in the song, a step toward being okay.

OKAY Initiative advisors have included:


  • Dr. Melanie Boyd, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs; Lecturer Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Yale University

  • Yael Silver, Tony Award-winning producer

  • Maureen Taylor, founder of SNP Communications

  • Dr. Sten Vermund, Dean, Yale School of Public Health

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